1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the union.place moderators.

  1. No hate.
  2. Don't be a dick.
  3. No harassment.
  4. No violence.
  5. No fascism.
  6. No colonialism.
  7. No white supremacy.
  8. No religious extremism.
  9. No nationalism.
  10. No racism.
  11. No homophobia.
  12. No transphobia.
  13. No conspiracy theories.
  14. No police unions.
  15. Safe Space: LGTBQIA+
  16. Safe Space: neurodivergent (ADHD, Aspie, Autism, etc)
  17. No hacking.
  18. No pornography.
  19. No impersonation accounts.
  20. No sexism.
  21. To join, users should share a reason they want to be a member of a union-oriented space intended for union members, organizations, friends, and allies. If you only say "leaving Twitter" we will NOT approve your account.